Because isolation kills too!

LEARN ABOUT A PROPOSED BILL that helps preserve a long-term care resident's right to in-person access at all times and helps prevent the extreme weight loss, despondency, rapid cognitive decline, accelerated disease, and potential death from "failure to thrive" that comes from being forced to live in isolation.

Our Mission
This group exists as a common voice for our loved ones in long-term care facilities who have suffered or died from the effects of isolation protocols. We seek safe and reasonable visitation to end the unintended consequences of prolonged physical separation and while we understand that the lockdown was done with the best of intentions and we understand that Covid kills, we know that isolation kills too.
CAREGIVERS FOR COMPROMISE is a coalition of leaders from across the United States who are working to establish legislation that eliminates the isolation of residents in long term care facilities like that experienced in response to COVID-19. That isolation has resulted in hopelessness, loss of appetite, cognitive decline, inactivity, despondency and death since March of 2020. Our goal is not to “throw open the doors,” but to achieve a reasonable living condition for long term care residents in a COVID-19 world and prevent as many deaths from COVID-19 protocols as from the disease itself. Countless have already spent the final weeks and months of their lives separated from life-long spouses, parents, children, and siblings only to die utterly alone.

WE SEEK TO find reasonable and permanent in-person visitation solutions to the infection control crises our long-term care facilities are facing now and in the future, solutions that protect the rights of residents who need the physical and emotional support of loved ones as well as skilled nursing, therapy, or supervision to safely survive.
WE SEEK the restoration rights of long-term care residents that have been “paused” in the name of safety and infection control and remedies that will prevent those rights from being withheld again in the future.
WE SEEK equal restoration of rights in all states, in all long-term care facility types and for people with all degrees of infirmity, injury, illness, or intellectual disability.

While some limited forms of visitation are now allowed in a majority of states, these forms of visitation often exclude that segment of the population who are bedbound, have traumatic brain injuries, have mobility issues, are blind or deaf, are severely autistic or suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s.

WE NEED HELP from from other Americans who want the isolation of Americans in long term care facilities to stop and believe each person is entitled to at least one essential caregiver even in a COVID-19 world.
PLEASE CONTACT US and let us share the stories of the real humans behind the cases and statistics.